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Jeannette DiLouie
Oct 1, 20203 min read
The Case for Using Images in Your Professional Writing Content
Which do you prefer? E-letters with engaging images or just plain text? This is a subject we first brought up last week in “When Using Image

Jeannette DiLouie
Sep 24, 20203 min read
When Using Images in Your Professional Writing Copy
I just learned something new the other day. Apparently, text-only e-letter or email presentations can actually work better than those includ

Jeannette DiLouie
Aug 22, 20193 min read
When You Run Out of Topics to Write About…
As jobs go, the ones that involve article writing or blogging can be downright fun. The act of composing a 500-, 1,000, or 1,500-word piece

Jeannette DiLouie
Aug 15, 20193 min read
The Wrong Way to Emphasize Words in Writing
As we’ve mentioned time and time again, it’s a lot easier to get a point across when speaking.
A speaker who wants to emphasize words doesn

Jeannette DiLouie
Aug 8, 20192 min read
How to Keep Your Subscribers Happy
Have you ever heard of Grammar Girl?
It’s a pretty cool concept (with “cool” defined by English major and editorial standards) that doles o

Jeannette DiLouie
Aug 1, 20193 min read
A 3-Letter Conjunction With a Lot of Power
This past Sunday, I came across a Pearl’s Before Swine piece. The strip in question compares “how good investigative reporting works” with “
1 view

Jeannette DiLouie
Jul 25, 20193 min read
Why Blogging Won’t Make Your Business Instantly Boom
Of course I can’t find it now, but there’s an ad that keeps showing up in my Facebook feed. It goes something like:
“Start a business blog!

Jeannette DiLouie
Jul 18, 20193 min read
Putting Your Most Efficient Blog Post-Writing Foot Forward
As the only employee of Innovative Editing, I’m chief executive editor, assistant editor and editorial assistant all in one.
That means I’m

Jeannette DiLouie
Jul 11, 20192 min read
Writing Sales Copy That Works Starts Here
About a month ago, I stumbled onto a site called Enchanting Marketing.
Personally, if I was naming the business, I probably would have gone

Jeannette DiLouie
Jul 4, 20193 min read
Using the Passive Voice Isn’t Always an Editorial Horror Story
Yesterday, I posted my Author of the Month interview, in which I interviewed none other than… myself!
It was supposed to be a different Aut

Jeannette DiLouie
Jun 20, 20193 min read
When Writing Jargon, Think Like a Reader
As a business writer, your main job should always be to connect with your readers.
It doesn’t matter what the topic is. It doesn’t matter h

Jeannette DiLouie
Jun 6, 20195 min read
6 Tips to Shorten Your Sentences to SEO-Sanctioned Size
If you want to successfully navigate search engine optimization, or SEO – in other words, make it to one of the first few search pages where

Jeannette DiLouie
May 30, 20193 min read
When Your Writing Goes Off Track
In professional writing, titles are important things, particularly when you want said writing to get noticed. If you’re composing an article

Jeannette DiLouie
May 23, 20193 min read
Don’t Send Business Emails Like This One
Sending business emails to people who don’t know you well can be tricky. Really, sending any kind of email to people who don’t you well can

Jeannette DiLouie
May 16, 20193 min read
If All Else Fails, Business Writers… Blather
I’m not the best at taking most kinds of tests. That’s thanks to the fact that most kinds of tests are multiple choice or fill in the blanks

Jeannette DiLouie
May 9, 20193 min read
Conforming to a Certain Word Count
I love it when someone hires me to cut copy down to a specific size. The same goes for bulking it up.
It’s a challenge: a fascinating puzzl

Jeannette DiLouie
May 2, 20193 min read
If You’re Going to Write a Manual, Write a Manual. Otherwise…
Unless you’re a friend or family member reading this, I don’t know how old you are. In which case, I can’t really guess on the kinds of educ

Jeannette DiLouie
Apr 25, 20193 min read
If You’re Going to Hire a Copywriter
If you’re going to hire a copywriter, you have to be as upfront with him or her as possible.
This applies if you want this professional to

Jeannette DiLouie
Apr 18, 20193 min read
A Tip to Take for Anyone in Charge of an E-Letter
Depending on what you do for a living, you might have an e-letter you’re in charge of. In which case, this blog post is for you.
You might

Jeannette DiLouie
Apr 11, 20193 min read
Don’t Bother Trying to Please Everyone With Your Writing
As a writer, what you produce isn’t going to be everyone’s cup of tea.
This is true of fiction writers and nonfiction writers, business blo
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