For creative writers, autobiography writers and other non-fiction writers who want to strengthen their skills no matter where they're at in their manuscript.
Get the guidance you need through brainstorming sessions, one-on-one tutorials, manuscript editing and publishing guidance. Click here to explore your opportunities.

For businesses that need the time, dedication and polishing touch of a professional editor or writer.
Open opportunities with blog writing; website copywriting and revision; and editing for marketing copy, news feed articles and corporate communications. The details are here.

For students pursuing higher education at any level.
Improve your information with college application essay reviews and revisions, as well as analyses of master's theses – comes complete with careful consideration of logical flow, word count and substantiation. Learn more about elevating your academic options.

For creative writers who need on-the-house guidance to hone their manuscripts. The Genuine Writer offers a weekly summary of Innovative Editing's creative writing-related blog posts, including Definitions, Challenges, Rules and editorial commiserations.
The authorial and editorial tips your story needs is one click away!