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Authors, When It Comes to Marketing, You Have to Suck It Up

Jeannette DiLouie

Well, my authors and authors-in-the-making…

We’ve covered the writing process.

We’ve covered the editing process.

And we’ve now officially covered the publishing process.

That’s not to say we’re never going to cover those topics again. I’m honestly considering re-running this whole series next year, since I know how many subscribers have joined halfway and I also know how frustrating it can be to come in halfway in a step-by-step set of instructions.

For now though, please bear with me (or go searching through past blog posts) as we make those changes… and as we shift gears to the world of authorial marketing.

Because today’s writing Definition of the Week (as posted on Innovative Editing’s Facebook page), is all about preparing you to properly advertise yourself. Strap yourself in, lads and lassies, ‘cause here we go:


Marketing might seem like a funny definition to list in the creative writing, non-fiction writing and editorial worlds. But it’s integral to your success as either a self-published or traditionally published author. So if you want to gain an audience of more than just your closest friends and family members, pay attention!

Marketing is what every published author needs to do to attract a reader base. It involves understanding your product, understanding yourself and understanding your customers, all of which we’re going to cover this week.

At the risk of being utterly obvious or repetitive then, this week’s focus is all about teaching you how to get the word out about yourself, your authorial accomplishments and your written message.

And, seriously, don’t think there’s a way you can get out of this. It’s something you’re going to have to do to some degree or other regardless of whether you’re a traditionally published author with a big fat publishing contract from a Big 5 publisher, a traditionally published author with a nice small publishing contract from a small publisher, or a self-published author with no contract whatsoever.

While the industry powerhouses will hopefully give you some serious advertising boosts if you’re lucky enough to snag one, assigning you a publicist who handles your in-person appearances, you’re still expected to hold your own in many ways.

For that matter, many literary agents and publishing companies these days won’t even consider signing you on unless you’ve already netted an online following of 1,000 people or more on your own.

Oh, and this also applies to fiction writers and non-fiction writers across the wide spectrum of genres. So, in short and once again, you’d better pay attention.

Here’s just a short list of what marketing might or might not entail for you:

  • Writing and keeping a blog

  • Appearing at or facilitating book signing events

  • Speaking at conferences

  • Cold-calling up local organizations, businesses (such as cafes or bookstores) and institutions to see if they’ll carry your book.

  • Talking to people about your book in general.

If you’re anything like me, that last one just doesn’t exactly warm you up inside. That’s why Thursday’s writing-related Challenge of the Week is going to focus on exactly how to prepare you for your upcoming advertising conversations.

Don’t worry. When it comes to marketing – just as with writing, editing and publishing – Innovative Editing has your back.


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