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Academic Editing: Essays and Theses That 

Look Good

Academic Editing: Essays and Theses That Look Good

writing college application essays

Whether you're in grad school working on your master's thesis or still in high school trying to decide where to go for undergrad, you're going to need to do some writing. And that writing is going to need some editing.

It always does.

We all think we know exactly what we're writing when we write it. But our personal perceptions don't always capture the real picture we're trying to present.

That's why, regardless of whether we're working on college application essays or other academic pursuits, it's so exceptionally important to ask ourselves:

  • Do our word choices reflect our actual meaning?

  • Do our sentences flow well logically, structurally and engagingly?

  • Are our words spelled correctly and our grammar used properly?

Essentially, are we presenting ourselves and our academic standards in the best light?

Let's face it: School is a set of scales from start to finish, and if you're going to weigh what you've got on the higher education standard, you need to know how to measure up. College application teams automatically compare you, your history and your potential with every other applicant who sends something their way. And grad school mentors, professors and panels exist to argue with you over how well you've supported your thesis.

That's why you add a professional editor to your side, one who's more than qualified to tip the scales in your favor.

To further your academic impact, Innovative Editing offers the following complimentary resource:


  • A 25-minute discussion about the student or project in question: You want to make sure you're trusting the right editorial aid – for you. Since that goes so much further than mere editing skills, this consultation is meant to put your mind at ease.

Paid services include:

  • Professional Editing for college application essays, master's theses and doctoral theses to solidify arguments, smooth out narratives, and generally make your work read well, sound scholarly and look good... $35 per 50 min. ($45 per 50 min. in-person)

Reach Out to Innovative Editing Today!

"Jeannette's editing skills were extremely useful in the writing and publication of my master's thesis in history.


"She was able to provide grammatical corrections in addition to asking questions to help guide my writing for both historians and non-historians alike.  


"Her comments and questions helped to focus the story I was telling through the thesis."

- LeAnn R. 

Baltimore County, MD

Genuine Writer

The Genuine Writer

A weekly guide to the writing, editing, publishing and marketing information professional writers and authors-to-be need to know.

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